Our Services


Life Curve offers a unique Coaching Service that can genuinely transform your life. Our coaching sessions help individuals and groups to heal from past traumas, build resilience and self-confidence, and create the life they’ve always wanted. Hajah Barnes, an experienced practitioner with years of experience in mindfulness, meditation, and healing modalities, leads our sessions. She is passionate about helping her clients find peace and fulfillment. During each session, she will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, allowing you to tap into your inner potential and create lasting positive changes in your life.


The Coaching Service at Life Curve is designed to help individuals feel empowered and find their answers within themselves. Hajah’s approach empowers clients to view each challenge as an opportunity for growth – enabling them to explore their inner journey in a safe environment while discovering their true purpose in life. Through developing new skills such as self-awareness and self-reflection, individuals can gain clarity on how to move forward with confidence in any area of life that needs improvement or exploration.


The Coaching Service also helps individuals understand how their thoughts can shape negative beliefs that prevent them from finding genuine joy or contentment in life, as well as aiding clients in recognizing habits or triggers that lead to unhelpful cycles or behaviors that may be keeping them stuck in old patterns of thinking. When working with Hajah, clients are equipped with the tools to create meaningful change within themselves by shifting their mentality from fear into love – connecting with a sense of trust around difficult situations and embracing the courage to keep growing through these experiences.


In addition to this individualized well-being approach, clients are provided with practical tools during and outside session time. Each client is given personalized homework exercises tailored specifically for them, emphasizing personal responsibility and allowing for progress tracking throughout the journey toward freedom from trauma and discomfort. Clients also receive additional resources such as digital guided meditations they can incorporate into daily practices, which further reinforce sustainable positive change both inside and out.

Through utilizing a holistic approach including education around both mental health topics as well as spiritual and energetic wisdom teachings, at Life Curve’s Coaching Service, we strive for empowering transformation with each client’s unique journey at its core – fully guided by Hajah’s heart-centered support and knowledge gained from years of experience and study within this field of practice.

Mental Health Education.

The Mental Health Education at Life Curve is an inspiring and transformative program designed to empower individuals with the tools and strategies needed to enjoy meaningful and long-lasting mental health. Through Hajah Barnes’ guidance, participants learn to identify their traumas, understand their sources, and create an action plan for healing. By understanding how our past experiences impact our present state of mind and learning new approaches to dealing with difficult emotions, we can reclaim ownership over our well-being.

Heal With Hajah Barnes.

Take a courageous step towards wellness guide and slowly break the painful cage of past traumas. Let your mind, body, and spirit flee what holds them back and accomplish dreamy life milestones with a heart full of contentment.


A Safe Environment For Self-Expression.

At Life Curve, Hajah Barnes provides a safe space for those wishing to break free from the negative influences of trauma. The sessions begin with a grounding exercise that centers the group on the present moment. It creates a sense of safety so members can relax on their journey and feel connected in an intimate environment. Following
this exercise, Hajah encourages her clients to open up about their experiences and discuss how they can use mental health education as an empowering tool rather than something to be ashamed of or fear.

Resolving Battles From The Core

The syllabus is explicitly tailored to the needs of each
participant, helping them develop self-care techniques such as mindfulness practices, journaling exercises, somatic movement practices, nutrition education, and life coaching techniques. These practical skills are combined with a deeper exploration of energy work, such as tapping into one’s inner wisdom through meditation and visualization techniques. By uncovering blind spots in our behavior patterns and creating room for insight into ourselves in a non-judgmental environment, we can slowly learn to accept ourselves and foster lasting positive changes. In addition, participants also receive educational materials such as journal prompts about identity-building topics like
1. Setting boundaries for oneself or exploring
2. Audio recordings featuring guided meditations,
3. Visual guides on stress management,
4. Links to online resources,
5. Access to helpful apps,
6. Tip sheets on incorporating healthy habits at home,
7. Weekly accountability check-in

Therefore, with this comprehensive approach to addressing mental health issues through education, members learn how to best care for themselves while achieving greater levels of peace and well-being each day.

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